اپراتور ASDOOR

اپراتور درب اتوماتیک

گروه مَه دُر عامل فروش اپراتور ASDOOR در سراسر ایران

متعلقات اپراتور ASDOOR

موتور : 6355 دانکر آلمان dunker

استابلایزر ( جلوگیری از نوسان و پرش های ناگهانی برق شهری )
چشمی : Combo بلژیک ، zen , zensafe
مکانیک : اپراتور لابل Lable
کلید دیجیتال
ریموت کنترل 2 عدد
کنترل باکس ایران

( 2 سال گارانتی بی قید و شرط )

  • برای دریافت نمایندگی اپراتور ASDOOR در سراسر کشور به سایت mahdoor.com مراجعه فرمائید

Sliding door operator


A door operator may be triggered in various ways

Approach Sensor (such as a radar sensor) – the door opens when a user approaches it
Pushbutton – the door opens when a user presses a button
Access control – the door opens whe犀利士 n an access control system determines the user isauthorized to go through
Automatically (in the case of elevators)
A trigger from any of the above requests that the door be opened (or reopened if it wasclosing)


The operator is placed in the space above the sliding door

An electric motor, geared down to get a lower speed and a higher torque, drives a pulley at one end of a belt. The door is clamped to the belt. To open the door, the motor turns the pulley, which in turn turns the belt, which in turn drags the door. To close the door, the reverse occurs

Historically, elevator doors were opened by a set of mechanical linkages; the motor, geareddown, would rotate linked arms, which in turn would drive the door


There are several types of sliding doors, these are

Standard sliding door (single wing or double wings)
Telescopic sliding door (two wings or four wings)
Circular sliding door (segment circular, semi-circular or full circular)
Sliding folding door (two wings or four wings)
Hermetic sliding door (single wing or double wings)
All glass sliding door (single wing or double wings)
Clean room sliding door (single wing or double wings)

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